UVC 390-410mm 52BCCZ-02 Led Chip Source

UVC 390-410mm 52BCCZ-02 Led Chip Source

UV-LEDs are LEDs that emit UV rays with a wavelength of approximately 400 nm or shorter.  They are divided into near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (NUV-LEDs), whose emission wavelength is approximately 300–400 nm, and deep-ultraviolet LEDs (DUV-LEDs), whose emission wavelength is approximately 200–300 nm. UV-LEDs are promising candidates for various applications:

All our UV led products have high performance and reliability at an affordable cost. UVA/B/C Leds available in wavelengths: 265nm | 275nm |280nm | 295nm | 310nm | 325nm | 340nm | 365nm | 385nm | 395nm | 405nm, Optical solutions available in viewing angles: 30° | 60° | 90° | 120°, Low, medium and high power output options, Standard SMD packaging or SMD mounted on carrier boards (COB)

UVA LED printing for digital, screen and flexographic processes.UVA coating for wood surfaces and other coated surfaces. UVA adhesive curing for industrial bonding and sealing.

UVA curing refers to a special way in which coatings, inks, and adhesives are cured or dried using “energy” from UV light sources, rather than conventional heat.

UVA(365-405nm) LEDs are used for UV curing, nail polish dryers, grow lighting, trap insects, detector for checking counterfeit(such as jewelry, currency art etc.), photocatalyst and other UV sensitive materials through polymerization, and so on.

UVB Phototherapy is a treatment for skin eruptions using artificial ultraviolet light. The initials UVB stand for type B ultraviolet, the middle energy between the tanning rays (UVA) and the intense germicidal UVC. UVB rays are the part of sunlight that gives one sunburn. Carefully controlled, it is an extremely effective tool for significant skin diseases.

UVC broke the DNA of all the microorganisms such as bacteria, tuberculosis, viruses, spores, and fungi, but different sanitizers require different doses.

UVC is widely used in hospitals, air conditioning systems, disinfection cabinets, water treatment equipment, water fountains, sewage treatment factory, swimming pools, etc.

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